Thursday, September 29, 2011

August Vacation

On Friday the hike was up the real Red Hill trail.  The view from the top was tremendous.
The afternoon hike was at the Loon Conservatory and sneakers replaced the hiking boots and the fleece was left elsewhere.
On Thursday it was hiking outfits for two separate hikes.  The first one was  up Red Hill and there was that fleece jacket, Boston hat, cut-offs and a pink South Beach T-shirt. (8.18.11)
A long sleeve lightweight top was around my waist and later put on over the suit. (8.17.11)
We went out for a boat ride on Gerry's boat and a tankini with white polka dots on black and solid black bottom was the outfit. (8.17.11)
On Wednesday the sun finally came out again and it warmed up.  Shorts, a workout top and the favorite fleece were the morning choice. (8.17.11)
Tuesday was another rainy day and a trip to the store brought out a pair of jeans, 3/4 length sleeve striped T, a lime green jacket and hiking boots. (8.16.11)
The next day, Monday, was rainy and the outfit consisted of the favorite fleece jacket and a pair of workout pants. (8.15.11)
Later that day wearing a pair of cut off jeans and blue and white striped shirt with Boston baseball cap.  The jeans were cut from a pair of Levi's that had to be at least 25 years and hadn't been worn for probably 20 years because they didn't fit. (8.14.11)
The first morning of vacation in New Hampshire having a cup of coffee at the pond wearing pajama pants from Old Navy, a t-shirt under the favorite US Olympic fleece. (8.14.11)

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